16 May 2011

April Flowers

Here's some eye candy, courtesy of Breck's bulbs!Grape hyacinth have been my favorite forever. I get on my hands and knees to smell them!
My other favorites are peppermint-stick tulips. They spread like wildfire from year to year because they make very bountiful seedheads.
These tulips make blooms that are about the size of my closed fist. And the insides...
...little setting suns!
The forsythia got in on the action, but the hot days made these blooms fade quickly.
Even the lawn got in on the action. The violets appear courtesy of our next door neighbor's lawn.
Here's our new addition to the garden family. It is Prunus persica 'Crimson Rocket,' an upright-habit peach tree. A tree that grows taller than it does wide seemed like a great choice for our yard. Our new tree inspired me to get creative with an Easter egg, too.
Thank you, Martha Stewart!